AA Group

Email Address


Phone Number

02 9748 4778

Our Location

Georges Hall, NSW

Safety Matting & Flooring Systems

Supplying quality products for over 50 years.
Our Products

Safety Mats and Interlocking Floor Tiles

AA Matting Solutions has been a reliable and innovative supplier of a wide range of rubber and PVC flooring systems for some 7 years. AA Group diversified into this area through existing customers in nursing homes, hospitals and laboratories, however they now service all industries where these products are required.

AA Matting Solutions are usually called in to address the following issues:

Workplace fatigue. Making your staff more comfortable when standing for long periods of time can help motivate and increase efficiency. Combating fatigue makes sense, staff who are tied and uncomfortable will more readily make mistakes which results in lower quality output.

Dirt ingress into your workplace both creates general workplace hygiene problems which demotivates staff, and increases cleaning and maintenance costs

Slip and trip hazards are one of the most common safety issues in the workplace. These hazards may be caused by process generated substances such as water or by unevenness in your flooring.

Get In Touch

Contact us to discuss the problem you are trying to solve.

AA Matting Solutions like to understand your problem so that they can offer the most workable and economical solution. The range of solutions is basically unlimited as our role is to solve your problem. Some of our available solutions include the products below.

Interlocking PVC Tiles

A super tough solution to fatigue, slips and trips, Lokmat flooring can make your workplace look fantastic.

Ribbed Vinyl Matting

Vynyl matting is an economical solution to fatigue, slip hazards and housekeeping issues.

Entry Matting

Super plush pile matts are available in a wide range of sizes and colours

Coir Matting

AA Matting Solutions make Coir mats to your exact requirements.